Thursday, November 11, 2010


Most of you know that over the past couple of weeks I have been in tears. Yes, tears. It's hard to believe that my little boy just turned 5! Pretty soon he's going to be off and on his own. If he had his way I'm sure he'd already be there. Where does the time go? I just look at him and remember when he was not able to move. Just sitting there in my arms smiling at me. I know what your thinking if he didn't grow up Cupcake would not be here and for that I am greatful. But can't they stop growing now?? Well if you ask Slugger he will tell you that God makes him grow. Oh and can we add "when did he get so smart?" to all of these questions I have! Did I mention that Cupcake turned 1! REALLY! I just want them to stay babies. A friend of mine said this to me and it really hits home. I don't have a problem with my birthdays it's theirs that get to me. And I totally know what she means. I turned 30 this year, which by no means is old, unless you ask my younger friends. (They just like to pick on me!) But Slugger turning 5 and Cupcake turning 1 was probally the hardest thing I ever had to deal with! I love my kids, don't get me wrong I would gladly pay someone to take them away some days, but I love them. The silly little things they do. The hillarous things he says. I don't want them to get bigger. It saddens me to even think about it. So if your out there and want to build a machine for me that stops them from getting any bigger please do. I could use it. As of now my perfect little babies are safe with me. But don't blink because it's gonna be over soon.

More to come on birthday parties later,