Thursday, November 11, 2010


Most of you know that over the past couple of weeks I have been in tears. Yes, tears. It's hard to believe that my little boy just turned 5! Pretty soon he's going to be off and on his own. If he had his way I'm sure he'd already be there. Where does the time go? I just look at him and remember when he was not able to move. Just sitting there in my arms smiling at me. I know what your thinking if he didn't grow up Cupcake would not be here and for that I am greatful. But can't they stop growing now?? Well if you ask Slugger he will tell you that God makes him grow. Oh and can we add "when did he get so smart?" to all of these questions I have! Did I mention that Cupcake turned 1! REALLY! I just want them to stay babies. A friend of mine said this to me and it really hits home. I don't have a problem with my birthdays it's theirs that get to me. And I totally know what she means. I turned 30 this year, which by no means is old, unless you ask my younger friends. (They just like to pick on me!) But Slugger turning 5 and Cupcake turning 1 was probally the hardest thing I ever had to deal with! I love my kids, don't get me wrong I would gladly pay someone to take them away some days, but I love them. The silly little things they do. The hillarous things he says. I don't want them to get bigger. It saddens me to even think about it. So if your out there and want to build a machine for me that stops them from getting any bigger please do. I could use it. As of now my perfect little babies are safe with me. But don't blink because it's gonna be over soon.

More to come on birthday parties later,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

So I'm Mr. Rogers! No really today was a beautiful day and ironically enough as we went for a walk around the neighborhood all I could think of was that silly song. I even had Slugger singing it as he rode his bike. It was actually funny. At least it put a smile on my face. I love my family. (You better write that down, because I'm sure that can change in a split second!) No really I love my family. My son drives me up a wall and I'm sure my daughter will too, she's just to little to do that yet. It was so nice getting to walk together as a family around the block. Slugger was on his bike and Cupcake was in the wagon. Which by the way she LOVED. She squealed over and over again. She was so sweet. At one point Slugger got side by side with her and said "Sissy are you having fun?" I thought my heart would melt and run down my body and pool on the ground. Yes, he loves his sister, but realisticly I know at some point I'm going to be poking my eyes out with a stick when they are fighting. SO I will take it. But the neighborhood was so beautiful today. It was cool and quiet, except for the few people out doing yard work. Not to many cars driving down the road. The air was crisp. It was perfect. I couldn't have changed anything to make it better. I could have been holding my husbands hand, but with Slugger on his bike and hills he needed to be beside him. I will have to go for more walks around the neighborhood this week when it's not raining. I just hope they are as nice as this walk was. All in all a wonderful day spent with the family.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Speaking English

Well to start off with Cupcake decided yesterday was the day to take her first steps. I was so happy, but wanted to cry at the same time. I can't believe she is almost one. Where does the time go. But today was a typical day. We stayed home most of it. The only thing we did was Friday night karate for Slugger. He does so good when he tries. Some days he just doesn't care. But what was really funny for me tonight was while Slugger and I were on the couch playing the wii, he said he wanted to play this level. Well I picked a different level. The words that came out of his mouth cracked me up. He actually said "Mom, I said it in English!" Like there was any other language for him to say it in. Now keep in mind my husband does speak Spanish and I do speak a little bit of Spanish, not even enough to say I speak it really, but we don't speak it around him. So where would he have gotten this from. Oh my! I know all he really wants to do is grow up and all I really want him to do is grown down. Can he do that? Can he stop growing and just stay 4 forever? I will miss the funny things he says. I don't want my little boy to grow up! So I guess now that that is decided, he will stay 4. Well at least for another 25 days! Well the kids are in bed and I must go slave away in the kitchen. Goodnight all.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day One

Seems to be a lot of this around here lately. So this blog is going to be about my 2 kids, mostly. I will add a few things in here about myself and my husband, but I want to keep a journal. Yes, I could write all of this stuff down, but then I would have to sit down and write. Well if you have kids you know this is impossible. However I know what your thinking. Your doing the same thing right now. Well I can type a LOT faster than I can write so it won't take nearly as long. Not to mention my son leaves me alone if I'm in front of the computer. I don't know why but I'll go with it. So a little about why I'm doing this blog and what I'm gonna post. I've tried for years now to keep track of the things my son has done. I think I have about 5 notebooks with little things written in each of them. Now I know what your thinking, "Wow, she has 5 notebooks of things her kids have done!" No! I have 5 notebooks of scattered thoughts. I can't find one so I start another. So I figure this will keep everything together. I can keep track of everything. SO when my kids get married I can pull this up and embarrass them to their fullest! I want to keep track of the funny things my son says. Let me tell you he says some hysterical things. Like the other day we were at my moms and I said Nick lets leave Granny at the store, wouldn't that be funny. He didn't stop for a minute to think and he said "Mom we don't want to make old people cry!" I thought I was going to pee in my pants. Where does he come up with this stuff. Another day we were going through the drive thru at McDonald's and he says "Mom this place has lots of pizazz." Really, pizazz? Where did that word come from? My son, who were gonna call Slugger, is 4 almost 5, which has gone by to quickly, is hysterical. I don't know where he comes up with things. He's getting to big to quick. I did ask him to stop growing and in true slugger fashion he stated "Mom you have to talk to God about that, he kindof makes me grow!" Really? When did you get so smart? Then there's Cupcake. She's the happiest baby. She will be 1 soon. I wish I could just stop time and live this way forever. But I know that's not possible. She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger so tight it's turning purple. Don't let him fool you though he loves it. She's not walking yet, but I fear it won't be too long. So there is the beginning to the rest of my life. I will try to post everyday what we've done or plan to do. No promises though I have 2 very active kids.
